A Man & His Watch

Many generations ago, a timepiece was a revered object of ownership. Our grandfathers and great grandfathers usually owned a pocket watch or wrist watch that they kept their whole lives. It was possibly something that was handed down to them to which they would hand down to the next generation. It was an honor to receive such a family heirloom.

In these hi-tech days, the recent generations have lost the pride and value of owning a watch. They don’t think it is necessary when they always have their phone a hand’s reach away. I see it differently! For me, a watch is part of style and adventure. It completes me, no matter what I am wearing. In 2005, when I became a captain at the airlines, I rewarded myself with the purchase of an Oris watch.

This watch has been all around the world with me and to the highest peaks on five of the seven continents. It will be with me on my sixth summit to Vinson Massif, Antarctica, at the end of this year.

There are very few possessions that I own that mean as much to me as this watch. It represents the achievement of a dream, the hard work it took to get there, the promise of other dreams, and a treasured gift that I can pass down to my son.


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